An Oak fan is anyone who loves our music and live entertainment. The lineup is made up of professional musicians who are all of All Star Caliber. Obviously, people will go ga-ga over our brand of entertainment. We chase unnecessary DJ's away for being too talkative. With OAK, the party flows without any inhibitions.

To become an accredited fan, just fill out the form on the suggestions link and request to become a fan of the band. We will mail you a card with a number on it. Tell us your number when you want to buy merchandise at our gigs. The number entitles you to a discount for the price of any merchandise. 

Fans can wear their T-Shirts to our functions if they want to. What a delight it is to see our fans sitting together or interspersed here and there listening to and enjoying our live entertainment. 

Fans recruit new members. Bring along your co-workers, family or other friends to our concerts, Come in groups to the box office. You get discounts in the cover charges if you are the one who brought in the new fans!

Fans send us suggestions, comments and recommendations about our performances so that we can improve upon our brand and live entertainment.

Fans follow us online to update themselves with our activities and what is trending in the OAK family Oakmania!!!

Fans are randomly called to come on stage to introduce themselves and their friends to the crowd. 

Door prizes and raffles are held for the best dressed, best dancers and most beautiful female fan! Come to an Oak gig because you now that a lot of good things will be happening. You night at times win a prize without even trying.

Fans can take pictures with their friends on the stage. To be put on our mailing list, go to the request and recommendation form and submit your name and email address, Kindly request to be put on the mailing list.

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Hector de-Souza

and his OAK R&B Band

The official website of